Friday, May 12, 2017

The Health and Benefits of Sugar Cane

Sugarcane is a form of grass that belongs to Poaceae family. It is native to the regions of the Old World, ranging from warm temperate ones to tropical ones. They are rich in sugar and today, are being grown in over 200 countries of the world. In 2005, Brazil was the largest producer of sugarcane. 

Hidden Benefits of Sugarcane

It might seem like an unlikely suggestion from your dentist, but the juice from sugarcane is actually looked upon as a good way to prevent tooth decay. Sugarcane has a slight rep for being overly sweet, but there is less sugar from the cane than in a can of soda. Mixed with flavors, such as lime or raspberry, a new following is achieved.

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Sugarcanes  

If you have been exposed to heat and physical activity for too long, drink sugarcane juice. It will help hydrate the body quickly.

Sugarcane, being low on glycemic index, helps keep the body fit and healthy.

Sugarcane juice is an excellent substitute for aerated drinks and cola.

Sugarcane provides glucose to the body, which is stored as glycogen and burned by the muscles, whenever they require energy. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the best sources of energy.

Traditionally, drinking sugar cane juice is good to ‘cool’ down the body especially during hot, humid weather like what we have here.

As sugarcane consists of carbohydrates, in good quantities, it serves to refresh and energize the body. It supplies instant energy to working muscles and for this reason, it is also known to maximize performance in sports and endurance.

Sugarcane juice has been found to be very beneficial for preventing as well as treating sore throat, cold and flu.

Since sugarcane has no simple sugar, it can be enjoyed by diabetics without any fear. However, they intake should still be limited for people suffering from type-2 diabetes.

Being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps the body in fighting against cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer.

Sugarcane is believed to strengthen stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, brain, and sex organs.

Sugarcane clears the urinary flow and also helps the kidney to perform its functions smoothly.

Sugarcane juice has been found to be good for those who are suffering from febrile disorders.
Febrile disorders are responsible for causing fevers, which can result in a great amount of protein loss from the body. Liberal consumption of sugar cane juice provides the necessary protein and other food elements to the body.

Sugarcane is beneficial for micturation, caused due to high acidity, along with genorrhoea, enlarged prostate, cyctitis and nepthritis. Mixing sugarcane juice with lime juice, ginger juice and coconut water will give better results.

Sugarcane juice is said to speed up the recovery process after jaundice.

Sugarcane is also good for digestion, as it can effectively work as a mild laxative because of its high potassium content.

fresh raw sugar cane has less calories than refined sugar or syrup

it is pretty good for digestion and can also work as a mild laxative due to its high potassium content.

It is also high in magnesium, calcium and riboflavin (Vitamin B2).

Best of all is that the fresh sugar cane juice is sweet to drink but it is not as bad / unhealthy as drinking syrup!

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